Legal warning

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General Conditions of Use

In general, the User is obliged to comply with these conditions and terms of use, and always act in accordance with the law, good manners and the requirements of good faith, using the proper diligence to the nature of the product and / Or service you enjoy, and refraining from using this website in any way that may prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning thereof, the assets or rights of the owner, the rest of Users or, in general, any third party. The User must adequately guard the "User Name" and the "Password" that is provided to him, as identifying elements and enabling them for access, committing themselves not to give their use or to allow access to them from third parties, assuming the responsibility for The damages and damages that could be derived from an improper use of them. The owners of the site may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions, as well as the Specific Conditions that, if applicable, are included, by publishing said modifications on the website so that they can Be known to the Users.

As a general rule, access to the virtual platform will be operative from the beginning of the course of each center, until August 31 of the following year. On that date, all users of the database will be unsubscribed.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The structure, design and presentation of the elements available on this website (graphics, images, photographs, samples and materials that appear in them, industrial technologies, files, logos, color combinations and any element susceptible of protection) are Protected by intellectual property rights, whose responsibility is Aulavirtualmusica S.L.

Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, made available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, partial or total, of the elements referred to in the previous section is prohibited. Its publication on other websites or in other digital or written media requires the express consent of the owner of the website, and, in any case, they should make explicit reference to the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of Aulavirtualmusica S.L.

The use of distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) is not allowed, unless express authorization of the legitimate owners.

Unless express authorization from Aulavirtualmusica S.L., the link to "final pages", the "frame" and any other similar manipulation is not allowed. The links must always be to the homepage or homepage of the website..


The ownership of this site will not be responsible:

•In general, regarding the inappropriate use of your website. The users must make an adequate use of it, in accordance with the conditions and previous terms, without the responsibility of the owner for improper use..

• With respect to possible technical deficiencies, you will not be liable in any case for any alterations in the service caused by faults in the electrical network, in the data connection network, on the server or in any performance..

• With regard to access by third parties to your system, you will adopt the necessary technical cautions in order to protect the data and information accessed, but without being responsible for actions by third parties that, in violation of security measures established, access the aforementioned Data.

General Data Protection Registry

The user is informed and agrees that the data collected, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data and of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of the Regulation of development of the LOPD, will be included in the file " Usuarios curso online "registered in the General Registry of Data Protection, whose Responsible for the file is Aulavirtualmusica SL and whose purpose is the access to the online course, as well as the operations derived from it.

The user agrees that the data appearing in the "Name and Surname" fields of his profile, be shown to the rest of the users in the classification lists of the "Game" section of the platform.

The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and, as the case may be, opposition, presenting or sending a request in writing, addressed to Av. October 9, 82A- Office 3.- 46.520.- Puerto de Sagunto - Valencia (Spain), accompanied by a photocopy of its DNI or equivalent supporting document and indicating in the "DATA PROTECTION" case.